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Explanation of Palvista AI's capabilities

Think of Palvista AI as your product analytics genie. It handles all the complex tasks, but the best part is, you can simply ask your questions in plain English. No need to struggle with setting up intricate queries or dealing with endless configurations.

What you should know:

Palvista AI operates within the context of a report, serving as its superpower. Simply hit "AI Editor" in Events & Charts from the sidebar dock when you can't find the answer you need within a report.

To generate a query, Palvista AI examines your event names, user properties, and group properties. Therefore, try to be as specific as possible and refer to them whenever you can.

How to ask questions for a 90% hit rate 🚀:

  • Avoid vague questions or using jargon. For instance, refrain from asking:

    • "Why are my users churning?"
    • "Who are my power users?"
  • Be as precise as possible: explicitly mention your event names and trait names. For example: "What's the ratio between 'event_name1' and 'event_name2' for the last 30 days." Keep another tab of Palzin Track open with the events section and the people section for easy reference to properties.

  • If you have a complex question, break it down and iterate on the result. Instead of asking a convoluted question like "What's the unique count of users and total count grouped by week of 'event_name' with the property 'property name = property value' for the last two months," break it down into simpler queries and refine the results step by step.

Other tips:

  • DOs:
    • Refer to your identity as identities, users, members, or seats.
    • Refer to your identity properties as identity property.
    • Refer to events as events, logs, feeds,
    • Refer to event tags as event tags, feed tags.
    • Refer events tags key, value as key and value
    • Specify the visualization you want in the prompt: List or Number.

Note: AI-generated insights do not consider the selected audience in the report unless specified in the prompt.