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Event notifications offer valuable insights into your product's performance and enable meaningful engagement with prospects and customers. 💗
Product, Success, and Sales teams using Palzin Track have devised innovative notification setups to maximize impact. Here are some standout examples:
Celebrate Product Milestones
Acquisition: Sign-up
Activation: Core feature utilization
Retention: Core feature used 10 times
Referral: Invite sent
Revenue: Plan purchased
Celebrate Feature Adoption
Identify Product Champions
Notification triggered when a user logs in 20 times
Upsell Opportunity: Feature paywall accessed
Purchase Intent: Pricing section visited 3 times
First-time key action performed by a user notification setup.
Here's how to configure the latter (add an event-based filter setting < 2 occurrences for the same event 👇)
Identify Traffic Sources Converting
Identify High-Value Leads
Convert Free Trial Opportunities
Notification triggered when users interact with an upsell funnel
Notification triggered when users try premium features during the trial period
Expansion Opportunities
Notification triggered when a user sends more than 3 invites in the past 30 days
Notification triggered when a user logs in more than 10 times
Notification triggered when a user logs in more than 5 times last week