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Event Slack Notification Use Cases ​

Event notifications offer valuable insights into your product's performance and enable meaningful engagement with prospects and customers. 💗

Product, Success, and Sales teams using Palzin Track have devised innovative notification setups to maximize impact. Here are some standout examples:

🤖 Product Teams ​

  • Celebrate Product Milestones

    • Acquisition: Sign-up

    • Activation: Core feature utilization

    • Retention: Core feature used 10 times

    • Referral: Invite sent

    • Revenue: Plan purchased

  • Celebrate Feature Adoption

    • Notification triggered when a feature is opened

💪 Success ​

  • Identify Product Champions

    • Notification triggered when a user logs in 20 times

    • Upsell Opportunity: Feature paywall accessed

    • Purchase Intent: Pricing section visited 3 times

    • First-time key action performed by a user notification setup.
      Here's how to configure the latter (add an event-based filter setting < 2 occurrences for the same event 👇)

💄 Marketing ​

  • Identify Traffic Sources Converting

    • Notification triggered when a user signs up from the blog, a paid campaign, or social media

💰 Sales ​

  • Identify High-Value Leads

    • Notification triggered when users from large companies sign up (Wales alert)
  • Convert Free Trial Opportunities

    • Notification triggered when users interact with an upsell funnel

    • Notification triggered when users try premium features during the trial period

  • Expansion Opportunities

    • Notification triggered when a user sends more than 3 invites in the past 30 days

    • Notification triggered when a user logs in more than 10 times

    • Notification triggered when a user logs in more than 5 times last week